
Felix Lenz

My personal web portfolio

My Skills


Development experience with many languages on different platforms.

UI/UX Design

Skilled in creating intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces. Familiar with design tools like Figma and Adobe Express.

3D Modeling

Experience in 3D modeling and animating with Blender Spline.


Computer-aided design with Autocad, Shapr3D and Fusion360.

DAW Skills

Track sampling with multiple DAWs.

More soon


About Me

Hi! I'm Felix, and welcome to my personal portfolio website.
If you're reading this, there's a good chance we know each other! If we haven't met yet, I'd love to connect so just use any of the social links in the contact section above.
Here, you will find details about my projects and the skills I've developed.
I'm passionate about learning new things and enhancing my existing skills.

While this site primarily focuses tech and programming, my primary goal is to learn as many new skills as possible in all areas!
You may want to log into your account and access additional resources in the private section. If you do not have an account, you can request one here.
All content is currently in the making and subject to change so.

Get in touch

Feel free to shoot me a quick email or reach out on any of my socials!